The system displays people who were invited to Tee-pee or asked to activate their Tee-pee account under the selected Unit and in the Users tab. Everyone who was invited to create an account is called a ''User”.

In the Unit, under the Users tab is a list of people who have a Tee-pee account created and are members of that Unit or one of the subordinate units. It is possible full-text search by name, nickname, surname, or username can be found in the list. Please make sure that when you search by these fields, you have them allowed in the system (Administration/Settings/Fields.

The name and surname, and the second-row "Username:", "Last login date:" and email address are listed. The statuses of the user (color-differentiated, in-style registration status) are:

  • ACTIVE: a person that is a member of the Unit. The actions “Block” and “Reset a password” are available.
  • WAITING FOR REGISTRATION: a person who has not completed the account registration by clicking on the registration link that was sent to the person's registration email and filling out the registration form. The action “Invite again” is available. It is also possible to “Invite again” a person from a person´s Profile.
  • WAITING FOR REGISTRATION: a person who has not completed the account activation by clicking on the activation link that was sent to the person's registration email. The action “Activate” is available in this state. It is also possible to “Activate” a person from a person´s Profile.
  • DISABLED: a person who has been blocked by the administrator or whose membership in the organization has been terminated. The user's account is in a blocked state also when the person was Restored (14.3.3). The action “Enable” is available.
  • LOCKED: a person who has been blocked after 5 incorrect login attempts. The actions “Unlock” and “Block” action is available in this state. The number of unsuccessful attempts to block a user account on the system cannot be changed, only as a request to the Service desk. It is also possible to “Unlock” a person from a person´s Profile. This action is available only in the profile of an active person (who belongs to a Unit).

To change the statuses can only a user with permission on Unit Users.