Unit types of administration
This permission allows a user to display, add, modify, and delete Unit types. Users with this permission have the right to create new Units and choose which Unit is superior if it is visible in the menu (left menu) and if it is eligible for member registration.
People under Unit
Users with this permission have the right, within their Unit and its subsidiary Units to; create/invite people to the system, assign Magazines, terminate memberships of people within the Unit, and move people to other Units.
When the “End membership” permission is granted, users see the "Terminate membership" option in the three dots menu in the People tab of a Unit.
Unit contacts
This permission allows a user to display, modify, add, and delete contacts of the Unit and its subsidiary Units.
Unit functions
This permission allows a user to Read, Create, Cancel, Modify, and Delete functions of the Unit and its subsidiary Units.
Unit History
This permission allows a user to display the History tab in the Unit. The superiority of the functionality of hiding and showing tabs in the Administration/Unit data is kept meaning:
- When the Unit History tab is set to Visible, all the users in the system see it among the other Unit tabs, also people without this permission.
- When the Unit History tab is not set to Visible, only people with this permission to see it.
Bulk registration
This permission should be held by a user who has a right to register people as Members of the Organization within their Unit. This permission allows users to register members, edit and delete the registration, and add or remove people to or from registration.
A user with this permission sees the Registrations tab in the Unit detail.
The permission to approve or deny the registration should be held by a user who has the right to approve or reject sent registrations in the Organization.
The Registrations have also these following actions:
- Reopen – the Administrator can Reopen the Registration if the Registration is in the Approved or Denied status. Reopening is possible only in the period between the Registration Start date and Registration End date.
- Merge registrations - the Administrator can merge Registrations (two or more) into a single one. It is possible to merge only registrations from the same period and type and only when they have the status “Submitted”.
- Update payment - by updating the person's payment it is possible to edit/add the payment amount or delete that record for the current period. These changes are reflected in a person's Profile / Membership / Membership fees.
Unit Bank Accounts
This permission allows a user to display, create, modify, and delete the bank accounts for the Unit events and its subsidiary Units which they have the rights to manage. The Unit Bank Account tab will be then visible in the Unit detail page among other tabs.
User roles administration
This permission allows us to display, create, modify, and delete User roles.
Unit statistics
This permission allows a user to see statistics (e.g. membership status, sex, age categories, and history of age categories) within the Unit and its subsidiary Units.
Unit Users
This permission displays and modifies all users in the user´s Unit and its subsidiary Units.
Historical members access
This permission display all INACTIVE members (who don't have active membership in the organisation) who whenever had membership in this Unit.