Adding a Function
Select a Unit and click on the Functions tab. Adding a new Function is done by clicking on''+“ in the upper-right corner.
A new window ”Add Function” will appear. Fill in all required information marked with an asterisk (*). A Function can be added to a person who is a member of any Unit.
Information regarding the Functions of a person can be found in a person´s Profile/Membership tab. You cannot edit the Function of a person from the Profile, but always through the Function tab in the Unit section.
Situations where the Function cannot be assigned:
- The Function is unique in the Unit - this Function can be added in the Unit to the max. one person and the Function already has a person assigned for the period.
- The age of the person to whom you want to assign the Function does not match the minimum age requirements for this position.
Editing a Function
If you wish to edit the Function for a person in the Unit, go the Unit tab, click on the Individual Action button ''three dots”) next to the person's name, and select Edit function.
Terminating Function in a Unit
Go to the Functions tab in the Unit, select a person whose function you would like to terminate. Click on the Individual Action button (''three dots”) next to the person's name and select the Terminate function.
Fill in the Date of Termination. The person’s Function in the Unit will be terminated on this date.
Deleting Function in a Unit
Go to the Functions tab in the Unit, select a person whose function record you would like to delete. Click on the Individual Action button ''three dots”) next to the person's name and select the Delete function.
By deleting a function you delete the function record. There will not be any trace of this function in the person´s history.
Future assigned functions
The list of Functions in the Unit can also display future Functions with a start date newer than the current date. They appear in light gray, at the end of the list of Functions. On the start day, they get activated and automatically moved to valid Functions. Functions that have been terminated also appear in light grey.