Terminating person on the Organisational level

Find a person you want to terminate the membership on the organisational level. Click on the Individual Action button ("three dots”) on the right side of the person's record and choose an option Terminate membership.

Fill in the termination date. The system does not allow to add the termination date in the future (or current date).  The Memberships, Functions, and User roles in Units the person is a member of will be terminated on this date. After this termination date, the person will no longer appear in the People tab of the Unit. 

Click Confirm. 

Terminating the membership through a person's Profile means that all the other Memberships, Functions, and User roles in some other Units will be terminated as well.

The person's status will change to “Inactive” and during this “Inactive” period will not be displayed in the User's list (User tab).  If the person had also Tee-Pee account, after termination it will be blocked.

A terminated person has in the Profile / Data tab filled a “Member to” field and has a new record in the Membership history in the Profile / Membership tab.

To terminate a person on the Organisational level is possible also through the Unit's Profile / People tab if the person is allocated in this Unit.

Deleting the person

To delete a person, you need permission "Delete person from the system" and have permission to read a person's profile or to Show unassigned persons. Click on the three dots on the top right in the person's profile.

A new window with a confirmation to Delete a person will appear. Confirm to Delete.

Most of the personal data of a person will be deleted. Only selected information such as Name, Surname, Date of Birth, etc. will be preserved. The person who is deleted has a "Deleted" tag and is not visible in the People list and in the People tab in the Unit. The person's record is still visible in the Registrations and Events, but with a tag “Deleted”. The link for the deleted person is blocked as if the user did not have permission for that person. If the deleted person had also a Tee-pee account, after deleting the person, their account will be also deleted, and it will not be possible to restore it.

Restoring a person

Restoring people is only possible when they are Inactive status meaning they are not assigned to any Unit / their memberships in their Units were terminated).

Go to a person's Profile / Membership tab. Click on the Individual Action button („three dots”) in the upper-right corner of the page and select Restore person.

A new window “Restore person” will appear. Fill in all required information marked with an asterisk (*) and other optional data. The person is restored when they are assigned to the Unit (the person will be also automatically allocated to this Unit). In the Unit drop-down filed, the Administrator will see only the Units for which they have permissions to manage and which Unit type is eligible for personal profile creation.

If the person has had a previously terminated Tee-pee account, after the restoration the account will be blocked at first. The Administrator needs to unblock it.

After restoring a person, the previous “Member since” date in Profile / Data will be replaced with the date of restoring the person. The date “Member to” will be deleted. A restored person has a new record in the Membership history in the Profile / Membership tab.