In the System Settings section, you can set:
- the Minimum age of the system user – what is the minimum age a user needs to reach in order to give consents or use some functionalities of the system. the minimum age is calculated from the date of birth of the user. The minimum age is by default set to 16 years old.
This minimum age limit influences if the Legal Guardian needs to give consent to the processing of personal data (when filling in the registration form. For users younger than the minimum age, the consent to the processing of personal data must be granted by the Legal Representative.
Also, the type of Consents the person is giving depends on this age (for users above and below this system age.
- Parent details removal age – what is the age a user needs to reach in order to edit and add Legal Guardians.
If a user is less than the Parent details removal age (set in Administration section / Settings / System), the Administrator has the right to add details about the Legal Guardians using the "+" at the top of the page.
When a user reaches the Parent details removal age, the records about the Legal Guardians are displayed in this tab, but from that moment you cannot add any Legal Guardian anymore, you can only delete the records. Also, the details as phone number and email of Legal Guardians are after reaching the Parent details removal age are not displayed anymore, only the name, surname, and ID document.
- Account locking period – how many hours the user needs to wait until the account will be locked away from the system after 5 wrong login attempts. It’s possible for the Administrator to manually unlock the user before this period ends.
- Forgot password renewal link validity - how many hours the users have to renew their password through the link that was sent to them by the system.
- Registration link validity time - how many hours the users have to create an account through the registration link that was sent to them by the system.
- Activation link validity - how many hours the users have to activate the account via the link that was sent to them after the Registration confirming email. It is possible to activate an account by a user via the activation link in email or by the Administrator through the Users tab in the Unit the person belongs to or through the person’s Profile – activate the account button on the right top side of the page.
Then click Save Settings.