The settings in this tab, relate to a person's profile and are connected to the person who is logged in to Tee-Pee. They are then able to see and edit them as required. This way the system allows the Administrator to set up what tabs can a person see in its own Profile and which of them would be possible to edit.

The column Visible is related to the Visibility of the tabs when the checkbox is filled the tab will be visible in people's Profiles.

To be able to activate the Editable column, the checkbox in the Visibility column needs to be checked. When you check the Editable checkbox, the person can edit the selected tabs in their own profile. If it is not checked, the tab will be read-only.

Please note that the permissions are in some cases superior to the setup in these Personal data settings. This is when a person with permission related to the Unit (or subunits) and is a member of this Unit (or subunits).

E.g. if the Data tab is set to Visible but not in Editable mode in the Personal data settings but a person has permission to edit data in the Unit, it will be possible to edit even though the settings in Personal data settings do not allow editing. It works the same way with the Visibility of a certain tab, the permission to Read is superior.

However, if a person has permission related to the Unit (or subunits) and is not a member of this Unit (or subunits), the settings for visibility and editing are set in Administration/ Settings/Personal Data.