To create a new event go to Events in the main left sidebar menu and then click on "+" in the upper-right corner.
A new screen will appear with a detailed form.
Fill in all required information marked with an asterisk (*).
- Add image - An event image can be uploaded in the upper part of the page by clicking on Add image.
- Event link - You can add a link to a specific external Event page /URL link. It is possible to add only one link.
- Registration dates - You can set the Registration start date and Registration end date. During this time period, it is possible to sign up for this event, add someone else to the event or invite someone with the Tee-Pee account to this event. If these dates are expired, users will not see Join, Invite buttons, etc.
- Visibility of the event - At the end of the form you can choose if the event is Public and Only for Members.
- “Public” setup – When the toggle switch is OFF, the event is only shared with the Unit members.
- When the toggle switch is ON (blue), the event is PUBLIC - shared also outside the Unit.
If there is a change in the Public event settings, e.g. it changes to a non-public event, the invited user will click on the event link and will be redirected to the list of events where they can no longer see the event.
- “Only for members” setup - When the toggle switch is OFF, the event is shared also for non-members, people who are not registered/did not pay the membership fee.
- When the toggle switch in ON (blue), the event is shared ONLY FOR MEMBERS, people who are registered and have paid their membership fee.
- Saving event - The event can either be Stored as a Draft or Published.
- Store as draft – the event will not be published and you can still edit it and publish it later
- Publish – event will be published and visible for certain Units or Members based on the criteria you have set above.
- Changing Event details after publishing - Details of the event can be modified also after the event was published by clicking on the Individual Action button ("three dots”) and selecting Modify. This will open the Event modification screen.