Unit types of administration
This permission allows a user to display, add, modify, and delete Unit types. Users with this permission have the right to create new Units and choose which Unit is superior if it is visible in the menu (left menu) and if it is eligible for member registration.
Unit functions administration
This permission allows a user to display, create, modify, and delete functions. All functions are linked with Units. When creating a new function, it is necessary to choose the type of Unit, and only then it is possible to create a new function for that specific Unit.
The uniqueness of the function name is checked for each Unit type.
The function is unique in the Unit - this function can be added in the unit max. 1 person and the function already has a person assigned for the period.
Membership periods administration
This permission allows us to display, create, modify, and delete Membership periods for members´ registration.
Registration types of administration
This permission allows to display, add, modify and delete registration types
Membership fees administration
This permission allows do display, create, modify, and delete types of Member fees that can be chosen during the registration of members.
Age groups administration
This permission allows a user to display, create, modify, and delete age groups used in the system. The Age groups are managed in Administration/Membership/Age groups.
Achievements administration
This permission allows a user to display, create, modify, and delete achievements, which can be assigned to users in their Profiles or in Units which they have the right to manage.
Qualification types of administration
This permission allows a user to display, create, modify, and delete types of qualifications, which are available in a person´s profile in the Education tab.
Award types of administration
This permission allows us to display, create, modify, and delete Award types, which are displayed in the user´s profile and managed in Administration / Membership / Awards tab.
Magazines administration
This permission allows a user to display, create, modify, and delete Magazines, which could be chosen by users in their profiles or in other users´ profiles which they have right for.
Contact types administration
This permission allows us to display, create, modify, and delete types of contacts, which are available in a person´s profile in the Contacts tab. Phone and E-mail are set in a system that is why they are not allowed to be deleted.